pahrump weather

Get ready for a delightful stretch of weather ahead! Today beams with sunshine and a pleasant high of 81 degrees, complemented by a gentle south-southeast breeze ranging from 6 to 10 mph. As the evening unfolds, the sky remains mostly clear with a comfortable low of 53 degrees, while the east-southeast wind picks up a playful 9 to 13 mph, with lively gusts reaching up to 18 mph.

Monday welcomes us with open arms of clear blue skies and sun, promising a high of a near-perfect 79 degrees. The south wind will be a bit more spirited at 15 to 17 mph, with energetic gusts up to 28 mph adding a dash of excitement to the air.

When Monday night arrives, the clarity continues with a low around 50 degrees, and the south-southeast wind carries on at a brisk 13 to 17 mph, with gusts as high as 26 mph.

Tuesday shines bright and sunny with a high around a refreshing 68 degrees, with the south wind shifting west in the afternoon at a mellow 6 to 10 mph.

The clear theme persists into Tuesday night, with the temperature gently dipping to a low around 43 degrees.

Wednesday is yet another sun-filled day, with the high reaching a comfortable 66 degrees, followed by a crystal-clear night and a low around 37 degrees.

The sunny serenade continues through Thursday, maintaining a high of 66 degrees, and as night falls, the sky partially dresses in clouds with a low of 37 degrees.

Friday greets us with abundant sunshine, slightly warming to a high near 67 degrees, while the night sky remains mostly unobstructed with a low again around 37 degrees.

And to honor Veterans Day, the sun will salute with a high near 68 degrees, ensuring a day as splendid as the heroes we remember.