A chaotic scene unfolded on a bustling night in Austin, Texas, as a group...
In a recent development, police have released the mugshots of four teenagers among the...
In a shocking and heartbreaking incident, eight teenagers have been arrested and charged with...
In a shocking turn of events, a 56-year-old Georgia woman, Evelyn Odom, has been...
Late on Sunday night, Secret Service agents assigned to protect President Biden’s granddaughter, Naomi...
U.S. prosecutors have taken sweeping action against a clandestine brothel network, implicating three individuals...
A San Jose police officer, Mark McNamara, has resigned following the exposure of racist...
In a recent incident that has raised eyebrows in the community, a Pahrump man...
The courtroom at the Queens Criminal Court was a scene straight out of a...
In a concerning incident at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park in Colorado, a heavily armed...