Nogales, Arizona-based company Sofia Produce, LLC, operating under the name “Trufresh,” has issued a recall for all sizes of fresh cantaloupes packaged with the “Malichita” label due to potential contamination with Salmonella. This announcement comes after concerns arose regarding the safety of these products, prompting the company to take swift action.
Salmonella Contamination Risk: Salmonella is a potentially dangerous bacterium that can cause severe infections, particularly in young children, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems. Symptoms of a Salmonella infection may include fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. In rare cases, the infection can lead to more severe conditions like arterial infections, endocarditis, and arthritis.
Recalled Product Information: The recall encompasses all fresh cantaloupes packaged in cardboard containers labeled as “Malichita” and sold under specific sales order numbers between October 16, 2023, and October 23, 2023. The affected cantaloupes were distributed to several states in the United States, including Arizona, California, Maryland, New Jersey, Tennessee, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas, Florida, and Canada. Consumers may have purchased these cantaloupes from retail produce markets in various states.
The recalled cantaloupes can be identified by their cardboard containers bearing the “Malichita” label, as well as individual PLU stickers on each cantaloupe. The PLU sticker has a white top half with the word “Malichita” in black letters, and the bottom half is black with the number “4050” displayed in white, along with the words “Product of Mexico/produit du Mexique.”
As of now, no illnesses have been reported in connection with these cantaloupes.
Reason for Recall: Trufresh initiated this recall following a similar recall announced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for cantaloupes bearing the same “Malichita” label and PLU due to potential Salmonella contamination. Trufresh’s investigation revealed that the affected sales order numbers may have been associated with the cantaloupes sold to Fruits et Légumes Gaétan Bono.
Consumer Actions: Consumers who have purchased these recalled cantaloupes should take the following steps:
- Check to see if you have any recalled products.
- Do not consume, serve, use, sell, or distribute the recalled products.
- Discard the recalled products or return them to the place of purchase.
- If uncertain about the purchased product, contact the retailer for clarification.
- If you suspect illness resulting from consuming the recalled product, consult a healthcare provider.
Information for Buyers: Trufresh is actively reaching out to individual buyers associated with the affected sales order numbers to inform them of the recall. Buyers are advised to:
- Remove any remaining recalled product from their inventory.
- Dispose of the product and retain records of disposal.
For additional information or inquiries, consumers may contact Rafael Roiz, Trufresh’s representative, Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time at (520) 394-7370.
Ensuring food safety is a top priority, and consumers are urged to exercise caution and follow the recommended steps to prevent any potential health risks associated with these recalled