sinead oconnor naked

Irish singer and activist Sinéad O’Connor passed away at the age of 56. She was best known for her song “Nothing Compares 2 U,” released in 1990, which became a global hit.

O’Connor started her music career in 1987 with her first album, “The Lion and the Cobra.” She gained popularity in the UK and the US. Her second album, “I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got,” featured her most famous song.

In 1992, O’Connor made headlines by tearing up a picture of the Pope during a TV show. This action was a protest against the Catholic Church and led to her being banned by broadcaster NBC.

Throughout her life, O’Connor faced personal challenges, including the loss of her 17-year-old son the year before her death. She shared her feelings on social media to help others who might be going through similar experiences.

In 2018, she converted to Islam and changed her name to Shuhada, but she continued performing under her birth name.