pahrump police department

The family of Theodore “Teddy” Deschler, a disabled veteran, is demanding clarity after FBI agents shot and killed him during a pre-dawn raid on his Henderson, Tennessee home.

Deschler’s family questions the basis for the raid and demands explanations for the fatal shooting. Teddy Deschler, a 100% disabled veteran dealing with severe PTSD and depression, was actively seeking help for his mental health struggles.

During the raid, the house endured flashbang explosives, tear gas, and gunfire, causing substantial damage. The family believes Teddy was unarmed and that agents’ visibility was compromised by tear gas, making it hard to assess his actions accurately.

Despite the family’s inquiries, law enforcement has provided limited information. The FBI released a statement acknowledging the incident but cited an ongoing investigation for their inability to share further details.

The family is contemplating a civil lawsuit against the FBI, hoping to uncover the circumstances leading to Teddy’s death. As the investigation continues, both the FBI and local police have refrained from commenting on the case. The family’s pursuit of answers persists as they seek justice for their loved one.