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Former Las Vegas Raiders player, Henry Ruggs, waived his right to a preliminary hearing and admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol, causing death. His plea deal is expected to send the 24-year-old first-round NFL draft pick to state prison for three to 10 years, and sentencing will follow on another date in state court in Las Vegas. Ruggs’ lawyers confirmed the deal, which includes a guilty plea to misdemeanor manslaughter and the folding of a six-month sentence. Other charges, including felony reckless driving, driving under the influence causing substantial injury to Ruggs’ girlfriend, and a misdemeanor gun charge, will be dismissed.

Ruggs was driving at speeds up to 156 mph and had a blood-alcohol level of 0.16%, which is twice the legal limit in Nevada when he crashed into a Toyota Rav 4, killing 23-year-old Tina Tintor and her dog. Ruggs was released by the Raiders shortly after the Nov. 2, 2021, crash, and could have faced more than 50 years in prison if convicted of all the charges at trial.